Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dragon Slayer

"If you love her let her go." I am at war with myself over what the proper course of action is. And after all the pain I have caused the largest part of my mind says that it is not fair for me to ask her to stay, it's not right to keep loving her. All the cliches seem to support these notions. But I had a thought today, what if cliches like this were just justifications for the fearful. What if the men before me simply had been too scared that they would give what they had left to love and fail. Just as I may fail.

What if this is the only life I get. What if this is the only love I get. Shouldn't I give it everything I have? Shouldn't I bleed my soul until I find out if she can truly love me, if I can truly love her? What if I never get back to another moment where I love another more? Will I be able to live with myself, constantly telling myself "I loved her so I had to let her go?"

I never knew anyone who said being in love forever was easy. Even prince and princesses in fairytales must have had to overcome obstacles. Well why is this any different? I am the man, and I have demons I must face, only they are not in the form of thirty foot dragons or spells, they are my own demons. And she must be rescued from them. I still believe I can do that. Locked up in the tower, I believe that she may have lost hope that I will ever come for her. But does that mean I should stop? Does that mean I should let the dragon live? I will slay the dragon regardless and I will come for her. If she is lost to another prince when I reach her atop her castle than at the very least the dragon will be dead. At that moment I perhaps will live the rest of my days a broken knight, but I shall know that the dragon will hurt no more a soul upon this earth.

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